Bach Bibliography
Search Result

The keys being searched are:
Series : ^MStandard$
Year : 1870
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Wilson, A. Theo.W. Friedemann Bach: MStandard 12 287 29 Jan 1870 56
2. [anon.]Reviews. (1) Beethoven's Mass in D. (2) Bach's 'Matthew Passion'. Novello, Ewer, and Co. MStandard 12 296 2 Apr 1870 164
3. [anon.]Gavotte [keyboard] by J. Seb. Bach. MStandard 12 297 9 Apr 1870 183
4. [anon.]Bach's 'Matthew-Passion'. MStandard 12 297 9 Apr 1870 184
5. [anon.]Bach's 'Matthew Passion' [Exeter Hall: Barnby's choir]. MStandard 12 298 16 Apr 1870 190
6. [anon.]Reviews. 'Six Movements from the Sonatas or Suites for a Violoncello'. By J. S. Bach. Transcribed for the pianoforte by G. J. van Eyken. (Augener & Co.). MStandard 13 311 16 Jul 1870 15
7. Cruse, EdwardAlterations and liberties: MStandard 13 312 23 Jul 1870 25, 28
8. A. D. D.Handel and Bach: MStandard 13 312 23 Jul 1870 28
9. Anglo-SaxonA study on Sebastian Bach. MStandard 13 322 1 Oct 1870 142-144
10. [anon.]'The Clavecin and the Pianoforte'. MStandard 13 331 3 Dec 1870 251-252
11. [anon.]'The Clavecin and the Pianoforte'. MStandard 13 332 10 Dec 1870 263-264

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita